We Will Walk to Pass The Moratorium Bill
S-2030- H-1905
Why do we walk?
We walk inspired by a vision of ending the incarceration of women and girls in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and shifting our state’s focus from investment in imprisonment to investment in housing, education, health care, and jobs — all the elements that are required for a productive and satisfactory life.
We walk to raise the alarm that Governor Baker is trying to build a new, $50 million women's prison or invest as much in renovating and expanding the women's prison at Framingham where currently less than 150 women are incarcerated. Massachusetts has one of the lowest women's incarceration populations in the country. With this money the Commonwealth could fund individualized community-led plans for currently incarcerated women, significant programs to help women secure safe housing, rise out of poverty and receive ongoing medical treatment--thereby addressing the root causes of incarceration.
We walk to inspire a groundswell of support to a bill in the State House and Senate that will establish a jail and prison construction Moratorium for five years. The bill addresses the Commonwealth's huge investment in prisons, jails, regional lock-ups, and other such facilities by pausing new construction and planning. We will share up-to-date information on the bills. Imagine what all of us can create if we pause jail and prison construction and reinvest tens of millions of dollars in community-led solutions!
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Supporting Moratorium Organizations
(Would you like to see your organization listed- Please sign up here )
All Things Art
American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts
Amherst Survival Center
Arlington Fights Racism
Black and Pink Massachusetts
Boston Democratic Socialists of America
Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network
Boston Liberation Health
Boston Release Network
Boston User’s Union
Bristol County for Correctional Justice
Cambridge Community Fridge
Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School
Coalition for Effective Public Safety
Coalition for Social Justice
Community Change, Inc
Community Church of Boston
Community Love Fund
Computer Care and Learning
Congregation Dorshel Tzedek’s Criminal Justice Reform
Corporate Accountability
Criminal Justice Policy Coalition
Decarcerate Western Mass
Decrim MA
Deeper Than Water
Defund 413 Amherst
Defund Newton Police Department
Defund NUPD (Northeastern University)
Defund WPD (Worcester)
Disability Policy Consortium
DSA Merrimack Valley
Elevated Thought
Emancipation Initiative
End Mass Incarceration Together
Equal Justice in Needham
Families for Justice as Healing
Fighting for Black Lives In Our Neighborhood -Melrose
Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution
Graduate Employee Organization UAW 2322 UMass Amherst
Greater Boston Legal Services
Greater Boston Legal Services CORI & Re-entry Project
Greenfield People’s Budget
Hailey House
Harvard Alliance Against Campus Cops
Harvard National Lawyers Guild
Harvard Prison Divestment Campaign
Housing = Health
Hull Democratic Town Committee
Interfaith Council of Franklin County
Jamaica Plain Progressives
Jane Doe Inc.
Jewish Voice for Peace
Justice for Housing INC.
Kavod Boston
Lupinewood Collective
Mass Defenders
Mass Jobs with Justice
Massachusetts Against Solitary Confinement
Massachusetts Bail Fund
Massachusetts Chapter of The National Organization for Women
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice
Massachusetts Peace Action
Massachusetts Society of Professors
Material Aid and Advocacy Program
MetroWest Commission on the Status of Women
Muslim Justice League
National Association of Social Workers - Massachusetts Chapter
National Lawyers Guild- Massachusetts Chapter
Neighbor 2 Neighbor
Never Again Action Boston
New England Innocence Project
New Beginnings Reentry Services Inc
Northampton Abolition Now
Pioneer Valley Workers Center
Prison Policy Initiative
Prisoners Legal Services of Massachusetts
Project Right to Shelter
Public Higher Education Network for Massachusetts
Racial Justice Rising
Sex Offender Policy Reform Initiative of Massachusetts
Sharon Racial Justice Equality Alliance
Sisters Unchained
Solidarity Supply Distro
Southern New England Conference UCC Restorative Justice
Student Alliance for Prison Reform at Northeastern University
Sunrise Northeastern
Sunrise South Hadley
Supervised Injection Facilities for Massachusetts, Now!
Surj Boston
Surj North Central Massachusetts
Taunton Diversity Network Inc.
The Abortion Rights Fund of Western Massachusetts
The FB Foundation
The Harvest Cup
The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls
The Real Cost of Prisons Project
THRIVE Communities MA
Touch the Sky
Unitarian Universalist Mass Action
United American Indians of New England
United Church of Christ Actual Justice Task Team
We got Us: A Community Empowerment Project
Western Mass Area Labor Federation
Whose Corner is it Anyway
Women's Bar Association for Massachusetts
Young Democrats of Massachusetts