What Is Participatory Defense?
A community organizing model for people facing, charges, their families, and communities to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system. We are fighting to free our people!
We have an open meeting every Wednesday from 6-8pm for people who are being prosecuted and their families to receive support and strategize to fight for the best outcomes in their case. We do this work in collaboration with our partners at the Massachusetts Bail Fund.
(Due to COVID-19 these meetings are held online. Please contact us at info@justiceashealing.org on how to join)
Voices of Participatory Defense Members.

"Families for justice and healing has been a very important part of my life for the past year and a half. I came to them not knowing anything about the criminal justice system and all of its inequalities especially for black and brown people. Fighting to bring my mother Angelia Jefferson, who is serving a life w/o parole sentence was my driving force for working with FJAH and their Clemency Works MA campaign. Inadvertently, with their support and guidance, I have become more self-assured and informed, which is priceless. " -Shanita Jefferson

"My beloved son was wrongfully accused of Murder. I felt powerless because I knew what we were up against. The world was closing in. I was introduced to Families for Justice as Healing. That day I was perfectly aligned! The team educated, empowered, and strategically supported us through the entire process which ultimately resulted in a “NOT GUILTY” outcome!!!” -Ceceila Dawn

"Families for justice as healing has been so awesome for me and my family. I felt so lost when my son Dante was incarcerated, but with the support of FJAH, I became such a believer in the change this organization could help with. They took the time, did the research, and provided law students to help strategize the best defense for my son. I love that I found this group of special and amazing people." -Dawne Young

"I felt prepared to go in front of the Parole Board. This was my 3rd time I had to face them. I knew the stakes were high. Families For Justice As Healing provided me with a law student intern. She came to visit me to help me prepare for what to say to the board. On the hearing day, I was so surprised to see members of my community come out in numbers to support me and speak on my behalf. I have never experienced anything like it. A community organization that really cares; you don’t see that often." -William Goforth